Books and Publications
by Jodee Kulp

Available Now! 
Teenage Liz offers hope to others with FASD and their families.

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Play Liz's Break Down the Brick Walls for FASD GAME

The Best I Can Be
Living with
 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
By Liz Kulp
co-authored by Jodee Kulp
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Our FAScinating Journey - 2nd Edition
The Best We Can Be Keys to Brain Potential Along the Path of Prenatal Brain Injury Filled with practical ideas and stories to help you help a FAS individual become the best he or she can be.

Our FAScinating
Journey - 2nd Edition
by Jodee Kulp

Order for $24.95 + $2.90 S&H

Journ.jpg (10699 bytes)A journey of poetry of the pain of family trauma, the journey to recover lost family trust and love and an open door to began the process of acceptance and renewal.

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Excerpts: Read a page before you buy

Journey to Life

by Jodee Kulp

Click to read one of the poems.
Order for $5.00 + $1.50 S&H

Riskbo.jpg (17604 bytes)
To Order Families At Risk

Full of exhibits, diagrams, sample forms and ideas this book is fresh air for adoptive parents, step-parents, relatives and professionals who work with and love children who have experienced major life breakages such as divorce, foster care, major illness, death of parent, or families who are in the midst of false allegations of abuse or neglect.  Reviews: Here's what others are saying

Families At Risk
by Jodee Kulp

A 416 page guidebook to help families and professionals caring for children who have faced major life losses. 
Click to review Table of Contents
Order for $29.95 + $2.90 S&H

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families and care givers live, love and grow with 
special children and adults.
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