What can one person do to make a difference in building awareness of FASD or supporting sobriety in pregnancy?
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60 FAS Days of Ideas
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Live Abilities Program
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Braided Cord Strategy
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“The work the Kulp family tackled in their brain training home school has been replicated around the world. Their books provide more than the strategiess that these pioneers in FASD have discovered. I am estactic over their work in Live Abilities— their deep belief in the strength of the spirit keeps shining.”
Deb Evensen FAS Alaska
Jodee Kulp, is an award winning author, producer and advocate who works tirelessly to serve children and families of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Her behavioral work in understanding canine fear and applying it to helping adults gain life skills is momumental and parallels our work with EAGALA Equine Therapy. It will be exciting to watch this progress.
“There are few pioneers who must not only pave the path for others to follow...but also must define the landscape to illustrate its existence. Jodee Kulp has written and published more books about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders than any other parent advocate in our time. Her work has provided assistance to thousands of families and individuals living with FASDs.”
“Once again, Liz and Jodee Kulp in Braided Cord, Tough Times In and Out, have handed us exactly the book we've been waiting for. Braided Cord is an unfinished story of resiliency, courage and love. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life as it continues to unfold. Your honesty is a light for the rest of us.”
I have been working with FASD for over 30 years. During that time I have met very few people who have an understanding of this disability the way that Jodee Kulp has. Even more rare are the people who have the understanding of adolescents and adults with FASD that Jodee has. I can not recommend her enough for any project she may choose to involve herself in. A project involving adolescents and adults with FASD must have someone like Jodee Kulp to make it truly successful.
We empower the individual with hidden differences (fetal alcohol, traumatic brain injury, sensory, intellectual or behavioral challenges) by inspiring to greater effort, equipping to make ready, empowering to make able, instilling step by small step, connecting to join together and allowing persons to soar to sustain success. We were founded in 1986 as an outreach to promote social awareness to the needs of the least of our citizens. We have continued to be a voice for the voiceless.
What can one person do to make a difference in building awareness of FASD or supporting sobriety in pregnancy?
How do I mark trails of discovery to build in the strength and joy of learning for a person with hidden differences?
How do I braid quality people and relationships into my life to encourage healthy growth, fun and purposeful living?
How do I pledge to stand next to my pregnant friend in sobriety? Here are some fun tools and baby coming ideas.
What can I do to enjoy and encourage a life of sobriety for my friends when I still want to party and have a good time?
Where can I ask a tough question and get seasoned parent and professional knowledge that is unbiased and understands FASD?
How can I join with others interested in helping to Build Better Baby Brains and gain connections to make a difference?
How can I help prevent bullying behaviors and misunderstandings of persons living with hidden challenges?