Presentation and Training Menu
Eyes Wide H'Open - Adopting a Child with FASD
1-Day or 1/2 Day Program — Jodee Kulp
A presentation on the basics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and raising a child who has been prenatally exposed to alcohol. Click here to download the full program brochure.
FASD — Beyond the Basics - Deadly invisibilities
Pre-Adoptive Families, Foster Parents, Agency Personnel, Families/Caregivers, Healthcare Providers, and Educators.
2-Day or 1-Day Program — Jodee and Karl Kulp
A presentation on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the "gotchas' most people miss that cause this population to be misunderstood. Click here to download the full program brochure.
Families/Caregivers, Healthcare Providers, First Responders, Law Enforcement Officers and Educators.
Oh, yes, I Can! — Living, Loving, Laughing and Learning with FASD challenges
1-Day or Workshop Program — Jodee and Liz Kulp
Never underestimate the power of the human spirit. Liz Kulp takes us on her journey through the eyes of a person living with the challenges of FASD. Click here to download the full program brochure.
High School and College Students, Families/Caregivers, Healthcare Providers, First Responders, Law Enforcement Officers and Educators.
Putting Life Together—Braided Cord Strategies to Make Room for Live Abilities
Keynote, 2-Day, 1 Day or Workshop Program — Jodee and Liz Kulp
Never underestimate the power of the human spirit. Liz Kulp takes us on her journey through the eyes of a person living with the challenges of FASD. Click here to download the full program brochure.
High School and College Students, Families/Caregivers, Healthcare Providers, First Responders, Law Enforcement Officers and Educators.
FASD Basics - The gift of freedom to grow and know through animals
Keynote, 1 Day or Workshop Program — Jodee Kulp
Learn the realities of FASD and how animals can be used to braid grow, life, and social skills for children and adults living with the challenges of FASD.
High School and College Students, Families/Caregivers, Healthcare Providers, First Responders, Law Enforcement Officers and Educators.
FASD - Each step I take, I put my trust in you. The gift of faith in darkness.
Keynote, Place of Faith Program — Jodee and/or Liz Kulp
Three motivational and spiritual programs available for your congregation or faith group. "A Mother's Journey" by Jodee Kulp, "The Best I Can Be" by Liz Kulp and "Three Strand Cords" by Jodee and Liz KulpClick here to download the full program brochure.
Churches, High School and College Students, Treatment Centers, Faith Based Organizations.
Allegations — Prevention and Survival
1 or 2 Day Program or 1/2 Day Workshop — Jodee Kulp
Children from hard places can surprise even the most skilled parenting or professional team. If an allegation happens to your family how can you keep your child, yourself and your family healhy and safe. Click here to download the full program brochure.
Foster, Kindship and Adoptive Families/Caregivers, Healthcare Providers, and Educators.
Hope: strong expectation it will happen
We believe in the power of the human spirit to overcome lfe's challenges when given the chance and safety to do so. Our presentations are dynamic to motivate changes in thinking about persons living with hidden differences—their needs, their expectations and their outlook on life.
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March 1, 2013
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May 17, 2012
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bingumd says:
May 17, 2012
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Designmd says:
May 16, 2012
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