Victor Ybarra shares wisdom from the inside out with a great voice, humar and music in Secrets of FASD.
Ann Kagarise is an incredible writer and photo journalist, her work opens wisdom of deep FASD understanding.
Liz Kulp provides tips and ideas from persons living with FASD to help others become change agents.
Club COSTA a self-advocacy club for teens and adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Links that can connect great POWER PEOPLE together - enjoy!
Chanel Torres is an advocate for the unborn, provides information on FASD and won the National "Yes I Can" Award.
I Can Be Safe Online offers everyone easy skill lbuilding to use social media and navigate responsibly.
SAFA (Self-Advocates with FASD in Action) connecting people living with the challenges of FASD together.
Invisible Disabilities Association is a great place to meet others who are strong advocates.
If you have a recommendation please contact us, we'll consider it when we update this page.