National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome offers videos, resource directory and great materials.
Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome offers a wide range of great information and materials.
FASD Experts specialize in the forensic assessment of persons suspected of having a FASD—excellent resources.
Center for Disease Control provides the most current data on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
As awareness and research about FASD grows, organizations continue to share and work together:
The Oola Life helps you balance your life in tiny 7-F steps — Fun, Finance, Friends, Faith, Family, Field, Fitness.
Whitecrow Village offers some of the most innovative and active proven programs for adults with FASD.
Stone Soup is filled with active ideas, forms, downloads for parents and care givers of persons living with FASD.
POPFASD is a British Columbia Ministry of Education program providing FASD educational materials.
If you have a recommendation please contact us, we'll consider it when we update this page.